Beauty lies in details

Beauty is often found in the intricate details of the world, where careful observation reveals hidden marvels. It's in the delicate lines of a flower's petals, the subtle variations in a piece of handcrafted art, and the small, often overlooked moments in our daily lives. The appreciation of these finer points encourages a deeper connection to the world around us and a profound understanding that beauty can be uncovered when we take the time to explore the subtleties and intricacies that might otherwise go unnoticed. In essence, beauty in the details reminds us that there's a wealth of wonder in the overlooked and the small-scale aspects of existence.

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Inspired by the Personality

Comparing a small child to a fox's personality reveals a fascinating contrast. A small child is often characterized by innocence, curiosity, and a wide-eyed wonder for the world. They exude a natural enthusiasm for exploration and learning, much like a young fox exploring its surroundings with playful curiosity. Both share an innate sense of inquisitiveness and a penchant for discovering new experiences. This is one of those pieces designed to capture my youngest daughters sense of adventure and curiosity.

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Focused on Purpose

Centered on Faith and the Blessings that come with every new day and remembering how fortunate we are to have what we have. Art serves as a powerful mirror to the miracles of life by capturing and expressing the profound beauty, complexity, and diversity of the human experience. Through various forms of artistic expression, such as paintings, sculptures, literature, and music, artists convey the wonders of existence, from the splendor of nature to the depths of human emotions. Art can evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and inspiration, offering a unique lens through which we can appreciate the intricate tapestry of life's extraordinary moments. It reminds us that even in the mundane, there are miracles waiting to be discovered and celebrated.

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What Our Client Says


I have been looking for a unique piece of art that I wouldn't end up seeing somewhere else and that made a statement in a very large entryway. It had to be a certain piece that would have guests in awe of the work and beg to know where I purchased it. I met Collie through the site and was able to talk with him about the piece and what I was thinking. The result? I got exactly what I was looking for. In fact I would say more, because my guests always come in and say, "THAT, is amazing.

Steven Chavez

"For the longest time we had this American flag made out of wood hanging in our family room. We all loved it but it did leave a large void on the wall behind the TV. I saw the Arizona flag with the boot and cactus and knew right away that was the piece. It was even the same size as the American flag. It is an awesome one of a kind."

Bruce Keller